Python and AWS interaction

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Python and AWS interaction

S3 buckets with boto3

List objects in a bucket

First we need to have credentials and a profile in .aws/credentials.

Then, prepare the aws ressources and access them using the appropriate profile:

s3_profile = 'a_profile'
bucket_name = 'the-bucket'

s3 = boto3.resource('s3')
bucket = s3.Bucket(bucket_name)

A utility that uses the bucket object to list either folders or some types of files:

def list_objects_in_s3_folder(
    Lists the items in s3 contained in
    target folder `s3_path` filtered by
    the `return_type`.

        s3_path (str): the path to the target folder,
            relative to the root of the s3 bucket

        bucket (boto3.resource.Bucket): the
            Bucket instance to interact with.

        return_type (str, optional): the type of
            files that we want to filter out in the
            returned list. Defaults to 'folder'.

        Exception: when the return_type
        is not implemented.

        list: the list of files.
    the_list = [
        for i in bucket.objects.filter(Prefix=s3_path)
    valid_return_file_types = [
    if return_type == 'folder':
        folders_found = []
        for item in the_list:
            if item.endswith('/'):
                s = item[:-1].rsplit('/', 1)
                folder_name = s[-1]
                prefix = s[0]
                if (
                    prefix == s3_path
                    and folder_name != s3_path
                    and folder_name != ''
        the_list = folders_found
    elif return_type in valid_return_file_types:
        files_found = []
        for item in the_list:
            if not item.endswith('/'):
                s = item.rsplit('/', 1)
                file_name = s[-1]
                prefix = s[0]
                if (
                    prefix == s3_path
                    and file_name != s3_path
                    and file_name != ''
                    and '/' not in file_name
                    and file_name.endswith(return_type)
        the_list = files_found
        msg = f'Unsupported return_type {return_type}'
        raise Exception(msg)
    return the_list

Download an object

Once we have the bucket instance,

bucket.download_file(s3_path, local_destination_path)

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