Installation instructions

Several cheat-sheets of different topics in .md format. Checkout the Github pages version.

Installation instructions

Start service

Works for WSL ubuntu 20

sudo service postgresql start

Create user

sudo -u postgres createuser newuser

Create database for user

create database newuser with owner = newuser;
grant all privileges on database newuser to newuser;

Grant additional permissions to create dbs if necessary:

alter user newuser createdb;

Set password

Login as admin

sudo -u postgres psql

Change pass

alter user newuser with encrypted password 'apass'

Edit hba_file

Login with postgres user:

sudo -u postgres psql

Find location of hba file

SHOW hba_file;

backup the file (example):

sudo cp /etc/postgresql/15/main/pg_hba.conf /etc/postgresql/15/main/pg_hba.conf_bck

edit file and replace with sudo the hba_file and replace

local   all             all                                     peer


local   all             all                                     md5

to allow local password connections

Restart the server

sudo service postgresql restart

login with user

psql -U newuser -h localhost


Command Description
\l+ List databases info and size
\dt+ list tables info
\d+ TABLE show table columns details
\q exit
\? Show help

Roles and permissions

GRANT group_role TO role_name

Create a dump

	--encoding=UTF8 \
	--file=DUMP_FILE_NAME.sql \
	--format=p \ # plain format
	--no-owner \ # avoid ownership statements, so that the user importing the dump later will own the tables
	--verbose -h localhost -U postgres; # connection parameters, use required user

or in cmd (windows)

pg_dump "DATABASE_NAME" \
	--encoding "UTF8" \
	--file "DUMP_FILE_NAME.sql" \
	--format "p" \ # plain format
	--no-owner \ # avoid ownership statements, so that the user importing the dump later will own the tables
	--verbose -h "localhost" -U "postgres"; # connection parameters, use required user

Import a dump

Create a target database:

psql -U ${db_user} -h localhost -c "DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS ${import_db_name}";
psql -U ${db_user} -h localhost -c "CREATE DATABASE ${import_db_name} OWNER=${db_user}";

Import using pg_dump

pg_restore ${dump_file} \
        -U ${db_user}\
        -h localhost \
        --dbname=${import_db_name}  \
	    --no-owner \
	    --role=${db_user} \
        --no-acl \
        --verbose 2>&1| tee -a $logfile

Import using psql if format is plain (sql script)

psql -f ${dump_file} \
        -U ${db_user}\
        -h localhost \
        -d ${import_db_name} 2>&1| tee -a $logfile


Modify time zone in current session


This will add the corresponding “+HH” to the timestamps when printing or filtering them

Permanently modify the time zone:

  1. Locate “postgresql.conf” file.
    sudo -u postgres psql -c 'SHOW config_file'
  2. Modify variable “timezone”
    timezone = 'UTC'
  3. Restart ddbb
    sudo service postgresql restart