Bash utilities (part 1): System management

Several cheat-sheets of different topics in .md format. Checkout the Github pages version.

Bash utilities (part 1): System management


Print out the running processes:

ps -ef 

Also, we can use the top command


With top running, we can type h to open the help menu. We can track processes triggered by a specific user calling top as follows:

top -u username

For example, typing V we can toggle the view to view a forest tree process hierarchy.

Sort percentage of CPU’s usage by user and process

ps -eo pcpu,pid,user,args | sort -r -k1 | less

A fancier top


Sort processes by start time:

ps -ef --sort=start_time

Processes of a given user:

ps -fu username
ps -fu username --sort=start_time


Check logs/Status of a process

journalctl -u httpd.service

Start a service

systemctl start a_service.service

Stop a service

systemctl stop a_service.service

Cron and Crontab

Check system time:


Set local date time:

timedatectl set-timezone Europe/Madrid

Schedule a script run with a given user. As the user run

crontab -e

Example (run everyday a script at 13:55 h):

55 13 * * * /home/ec2-user/script_path/

Check logs:

less /var/log/cron


Look to which services use logrotate


Sometimes apache web server may be restarted/reloaded, check it in /etc/logrotate.d/httpd.


Get the ip address:

hostname -I

Check if a remote host is accessible from the current one via a specific port number:

exec 3<> /dev/tcp/

if there is not a [Connection timed out], then it is accessible. Output can be checked with echo $?.

File management

Find all lines that contain a pattern

grep -option pattern file

Option can be i if you want to ignore uppercase characters.

Option can be A N if you want to retrieve the N lines after each match

Option can be B N if you want to retrieve the N lines before each match

Option can be C N if you want to retrieve the N lines around each match

File can be * for all files in the working directory.

File can be -r to search recursively in all files and directories contained in the working directory.


Find all files with a given name pattern inside a folder

find /folder -type f -name '*.html'

By exact name

find -type f -name exact-name.ext

Other find commands:

find $LOCAL_PATH -type f -name "*.log" -exec rm -i {} \;   # Finds and deletes asking first. "\;" runs the exec one per file
find $LOCAL_PATH -type f -name "*.log" -delete             # Finds and deletes
find $LOCAL_PATH -maxdepth 1 -type d -empty -print         # Finds all empty directories
find $LOCAL_PATH -type f -size +500k -exec ls -lh {} +     # Finds all files heavier than 500KiB. Final "+" makes more efficient running exec once for all files
find $LOCAL_PATH -type f -newer reference_file             # Finds all files newer than reference file
find $LOCAL_PATH -type f ! -newer reference_file           # Finds all files newer than reference file
find $LOCAL_PATH -type f -newermt "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS"    # Finds all files newer than input datetime stamp
find $LOCAL_PATH -type f ! -newermt "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS"  # Finds all files older than input datetime stamp

Display json contents pretty:

pyhon -m json.tool json_file.json


Create a symbolic link

ln -s {source-filename} {symbolic-filename}


Create a tarball file without compression of a folder in a different folder (note the ordering, destination goes first!)


Use compression


List the contents of a tar file

tar -ztvf TARFILE

Unroll a tarball specifying the destination folder



Zip a folder

zip -r "$zip_file" "$temp_dir"

Zip with password

zip -P "$zip_password" -r "$zip_file" "$temp_dir"

Flatten files in folder (omit folder itself in zip file)

zip -P "$zip_password" -r -j "$zip_file" "$temp_dir"


Ssh using an existing private key .pem file

ssh -i "path_to_pem_file" user@dns

Generate a key pair… [TODO]

Generate a public key from an already existing private key:

ssh-keygen -y -f id_rsa >

Migrate an already existing key:

cd .ssh
touch id_rsa
vi id_rsa # paste content of private key .pem file and save
chown user:group id_rsa # the user authenticating must be the owner of the key
chmod 600 id_rsa # permissions must be read/write only for the key owner

For a specific user, the key pairs are stored in the corresponding home under .ssh, e.g.,


on .ssh the id_rsa is the private key and is the public key. The public key file contains one line which is the public key indeed. Note that any possible destination host must have this public key included in its authorized_keys file, also inside .ssh.

If you bring an already existing key to a new user, you should create the id* files as the user and copy the keys. Finally, they need to have 600 permissions:

sudo chmod 600 $privateKeyFile
sudo chmod 600 $publicKeyFile

Environment variables

Create a new one using the terminal

export NEWVAR="something"

Delete an existing environment variable:

unset NEWVAR

You can also add the variables permanently to the environment

echo 'NEWVAR="content/asdf"' >> /etc/environment
echo 'PUBLIC_IP='$PUBLIC_IP >> /etc/environment

Groups and users

Create a group

sudo groupadd jenkinsGroup

Add an existing user to a group

sudo usermod -a -G ec2-user jenkins

Display all users

cat /etc/passwd

Display user groups

id ec2-user

Create a new user and assign groups in a single command

sudo useradd -g primary_group -G sec_groupA,sec_groupB new_user

Change to a user of a service account (without shell by design), such as jenkins user. It is necessary to specify the shell explicitly in these cases:

sudo su -s /bin/bash jenkins

Adding a directory to the PATH variable

export PATH=new_path:$PATH

To see which directory is used for a program

which python


Define alias

alias aliasname='some command'

A useful method is to gather aliases in files ~/.bash_aliases, then load them during profile adding to ~/.profile or ~/.bashrc the following

# Alias definitions.
# You may want to put all your additions into a separate file like
# ~/.bash_aliases, instead of adding them here directly.
# See /usr/share/doc/bash-doc/examples in the bash-doc package.

if [ -f ~/.bash_aliases ]; then
    . ~/.bash_aliases

awk inside alias

Aliases are declared between single quotes.

When using awk, the print part goes also between single quotes:

cat file.txt | grep 'log-2' | awk -F ; '{print $2}'

To use the awk command above in an alias we should write single quotes ' as '\'':

alias an_awk_command='cat file.txt | grep '\''log-2'\'' | awk -F ; '\''{print $2}'\'''

Continue to bash - part 2

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